Aleina Alessandra Mendoza
Dallas, Texas
Why I Chose TCU:
I chose TCU because of its vibrant community which filled all aspects of campus from the classroom to the various housing communities. I feel as if TCU directly lives up to many of its core values, with an emphasis on engagement, community, and excellence. Students are motivated to make others feel welcome, answer questions, and create greater change in their ever-changing environment. This model directly aligns with what I see in myself most! An individual aiming to make others feel heard and understood while contributing to change that creates lasting change to inequalities or difficulties many face in a greater society. This and many other factors come together to why I chose TCU!
Plans After Graduation:
My current plans after graduation include working directly in healthcare/medicine. Although I am not entirely sure about my plans after graduation, I am interested in navigating higher education further whether that be through going back to school and becoming a certified nurse anesthetist or nurse practitioner. After graduation, I would also love to work in a pediatric oncology or neurosurgery department to gain further experience while also exploring new aspects of neurological or pediatric research!