Diego Flores portrait

Diego Flores

Weatherford, Texas

Why I Chose TCU:

I chose TCU for a variety of reasons. First, I wanted an environment that would push me intensely to my limits, challenging me personally and academically. I had done research regarding chemistry departments in and around the state of Texas and felt as though TCU would grant me my wish. TCU's rigorous program and community provide the perfect ground for me to grow and thrive in developing skills and character to succeed in the real world. Another reason I chose TCU was its strong sense of community. The smaller class sizes allow me to have meaningful connections with my professors and peers. It inspires me to do better. I have already felt this strong sense of community firsthand.

Plans After Graduation:

After obtaining my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at TCU, I plan to attend medical school. I am committed to pursuing a meaningful and lasting impact in the healthcare world. Specifically cancer therapies and care, which is something I am deeply passionate about. My experiences at TCU will hopefully accumulate to prepare me for the very intricate issue that is cancer.