Macy Smith Portrait

Macy Smith

Reno, Nevada

Why I Chose TCU:

In many ways, TCU seemed to be the obvious answer when deciding on a college. Besides TCU's outstanding academics, excellent business school, and strong morals, TCU seemed to have indeed the sense of community I was looking for. After being at TCU for the past year, I know that choosing TCU was the best choice I could have made. TCU does feel like a home away from home and one big family. I cannot wait to continue my journey at TCU in the fall!

Plans After Graduation:

I am currently pursuing a dual major in Finance and Accounting. My career choices include private investment, business consulting, or audit. In the longer term, I see myself being the one on stage reporting financial performance to Wall Street, industry, and shareholders. I also have a heart for all children: the under-privileged, the under-loved, those who are unique, and those who achieve great things. Ideally, I would be able to serve children as part of making my way in the business world. I feel confident that these two worlds will come together in my life.