Savannah DeCrow portrait

Savannah DeCrow

Highland Village, Texas

Why I Chose TCU:

I chose TCU because I love the balance between a conservatory style of training and a traditional college experience that the school offers. The small class environment in TCU’s musical theatre program enables me to collaborate closely with my peers and instructors as I develop the skills needed for success in the professional world. I also love that TCU provides a well-rounded education complete with classes outside of my major; being exposed to a wide variety of experiences and information will broaden my knowledge, which is necessary to stay current and marketable. Additionally, I love that I am able to get out of rehearsal and go straight to a football game or campus event. Getting an education where I can get the benefits of a conservatory, while still being able to experience true college life and take pride in my school, was definitely important to me. I believe no school embodies this idea more than TCU.

Plans After Graduation:

After graduation, I plan on moving to New York City to pursue my dreams as a performing artist. Success for me doesn’t equate to eight performances a week on a Broadway stage. What I care most about is living an artistic life. Whether it be performing in tours, regional and community theatre, on cruise ships, or even dabbling in directing or teaching, I will be happy as long as I can keep theatre in my life. I firmly believe that a life without the arts is an unfulfilled one.